AHIA 2020 Innovator Selection Criteria  

All applications are reviewed against the criteria below by the AHIA Application Review Committee and approved by the AHIA Advisory Board. Strong candidates will clearly address all criteria in their applications.  


  1. LOGISTICS – Is the primary innovator eligible for visa & travel requirements to the South African conference on the dates specified? 

  2. PROFESSIONALISM – Are responses in the application grammatically correct and presented in a professional manner? Does the applicant have sufficient credentials from a recognized university and/or professional organization? 

  3. COMMITMENT – We look for strong commitment to the program, professionalism, ability to clearly articulate the solution in the application process, and full dedication to the project. 



  1. SOLUTION/VALUE PROPOSITION – Is the health issue being solved by the proposed innovation highly relevant to the innovator’s context and aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality in Africa? 

  2. COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL – Does the solution have the potential (even if still unproven) of a wider commercialization? 

  3. MINIMUM VIABILITY – Are there published studies and/or an evidence-base for supporting the innovation? If no, does the innovator outline a pathway to achieving minimal viability studies in the application? 

  4. IP POTENTIAL – Does the innovation currently have intellectual property protection? If no, with the information provided in the application, is there a potential to pursue IP rights or patents 

  5. OTHER – Additional efforts (e.g. if the innovation has already participated in other efforts/conferences/grants/awards) are a plus